HomeCard GameTeen Patti Sequence Guide

Teen Patti Sequence Guide

Teen Patti, also known as Indian Poker, is a popular card game played in India and South Asia. It’s a simplified version of the traditional poker game and involves elements of luck and strategy.

One of the key aspects of Teen Patti is understanding the different sequences or hands that players can aim to achieve. In this game, sequences are crucial as they determine the strength of a player’s hand and their chances of winning.

Breakdown of the Teen Patti Sequence List

High Card

This is the lowest-ranking sequence in Teen Patti. If players do not have any other sequence, the one with the highest single card wins. For example, if two players have high cards, the one with the highest card (Ace being the highest) wins.


A pair consists of two cards of the same rank. For instance, having two Queens or two 5s would constitute a pair. If two players have pairs, the one with the higher-ranking pair wins.

Pure Sequence (Straight Flush)

A pure sequence is a sequence of three consecutive cards of the same suit. For example, having the 3, 4, and 5 of hearts constitutes a pure sequence. In Teen Patti, a pure sequence is considered higher than a normal sequence.

Read More: Popularity of Teen Patti Indias Beloved Card Game

Sequence (Straight)

A sequence is similar to a pure sequence but does not necessarily need to be of the same suit. It consists of three consecutive cards. For example, having the 4 of hearts, 5 of clubs, and 6 of spades would constitute a sequence.

Colour (Flush)

A colour or flush consists of three cards of the same suit, but they do not need to be in consecutive order. For instance, having the 2, 7, and Queen of diamonds would constitute a flush.

Pair Sequence (Three of a Kind)

A pair sequence, also known as three of a kind, consists of three cards of the same rank along with one unmatched card. For example, having three 7s along with two other cards would constitute a pair sequence.

Trail (Three of a Kind/Pure Sequence/Sequence)

A trail, also known as a set or trio, consists of three cards of the same rank. A trail is the highest-ranking sequence in Teen Patti, and it beats all other hands. If two players have trails, the one with the higher-ranking trail wins.

The highest sequence in Teen Patti is the Trail, also known as Three of a Kind. Having three cards of the same rank is the strongest hand in the game. If two players have trails, the winner is determined by the rank of the cards in their trails. For example, three Aces would beat three Kings.

Understanding the Teen Patti sequence list is essential for players to strategize their moves and make informed decisions during the game. By knowing the strength of their hand and the potential of their opponents’ hands, players can increase their chances of winning in this exciting and popular card game.

Objective of the Game Teen Patti Game

The primary goal of Teen Patti is to form the best possible hand or sequence of cards from those dealt to you. Each player aims to create a stronger hand than their opponents by combining the cards they hold.

Where to Play Teen Patti

With the advent of technology, Teen Patti has transitioned into the digital realm, with numerous online platforms and mobile apps offering virtual Teen Patti games. This has made the game more accessible to a wider audience and has further popularized its appeal among enthusiasts.

Winzo is one of the most popular apps to play Teen Patti on. The easy user-interface of the app and chances to win real money have made it a go-to destination for Teen Patti lovers. You can download the Winzo app from playstore and play Teen Patti with an entry fee ranging from Rs 2 to Rs 20.



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