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Poker Hands Ranking and Poker Order

The order of the cards is referred to as the “poker sequence.” An example of a straight in poker would be five consecutive cards in sequential poker rank order. As a result, you can speak of consecutive rankings, such as 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, as being in sequential order. However, what is the order of the cards in poker?

In poker, understanding the order of hands is essential. The ranking of poker hands determines the winner in showdown situations. The highest poker ranking hand is a royal flush, followed by a straight flush, four of a kind, full house, flush, straight, three of a kind, two pair, one pair, and finally, a high card. It’s crucial to memorize this hierarchy to make informed decisions during gameplay.

Moreover, within each hand, the individual cards also have rankings. Standard poker order is from highest to lowest: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2. Understanding both the overall poker hand rankings and the individual card rankings is fundamental to mastering the game of poker and increasing your possibilities of success at the tables.

Types of Poker Hands Rankings

Royal Flush

A Royal Flush, consisting of A, K, Q, J, 10 of the same suit, beats all other hands in Poker, including Straight Flush, Four of a Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three of a Kind, Two Pairs, One Pair, and High Card.

A Royal Flush cannot be beaten by any other Poker hand; only another Royal Flush can tie with it.

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Straight Flush

A Straight Flush beats Four of a Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three of a Kind, Two Pairs, One Pair, and High Card.

A Royal Flush or another Straight Flush with higher-ranking cards beats a Straight Flush.

Four of a kind

It alludes to receiving an identical card in each of the four suits or colours. For instance, four different suits of Aces plus one more card.

Full House

It describes a hand that consists of a pair of cards with a different rank and the same value in three different colours.


It consists of five identical cards in any arrangement; a sequence is not required. The person with the highest valued card or cards wins when two players both exhibit flushes.

A Flush beats a Straight, Three of a Kind, Two Pairs, One Pair, and High Card.

A Royal Flush, Four of a Kind, Straight Flush, and Full House beat a Flush. In the event of multiple players having a Flush, the one with the highest value card wins. All suits have the same value.


This consists of five cards, each with more than one suit, arranged in sequential sequence. The Ace can never be ranked in the same hand with a 2 or a King. For instance, 8,7,6,5,4, of various suits defeated 5,4,3,2, A. (Ace is considered lower in this case).

Three of a kind

As the name suggests, three of a kind consists of three cards with the same rank or value in three distinct suits, along with two additional cards of any value or suit.

Two Pairs

It is divided into two groups of pairs, as the name suggests. The highest-ranked card in the hand is the fifth, which completes it.


The game consists of a single pair of cards in different suits. Three cards of the highest value complete the hand.

A Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Four of a Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, and Three of a Kind beat Two Pairs.

High Card

It is regarded as the weakest hand. The highest value card in your hand is the high card. For instance, a deck has the numbers 4, 6, K, 8, and 3 in various suits; in this case, the King is the “high card.”

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How to Remember Poker Hands?

  • Memorizing poker winning hands, hand orders, and charts is crucial for beginners.
  • Use simple approaches to remember poker hands.
  • Visualize preflop charts to learn them effectively.
  • Understand why certain ranges exist in poker.
  • Analyze charts and patterns to improve your game.
  • Use mnemonic devices to remember poker hand rankings.

Worst Hands In Poker

In Poker card game, all hands are not created equal, and some are simply the worst possible starting hands a player can receive. These hands are often referred to as “garbage” or “rags,” and well, these hands often prove to be a nightmare for players trying to stay in the game.

The Unfortunate Pair of Deuces

Often referred to as “Pocket Deuces,” this starting hand, while it may seem enticing at first glance, can quickly turn into a liability. With only a pair of twos, the chances of improving the hand significantly are slim. Without the support of community cards, it’s challenging to build a winning hand from such a weak starting point. Players are advised to approach this hand with caution and proceed with thoughtful consideration.

The Ill-Fated 2 and 7

Known as the “worst hand in poker,” the 2 and 7 combination carries infamy that precedes it. With the lowest-ranking cards in both high and low poker variations, this starting hand rarely offers any hope for success. The limited potential for straight, flush, or even two-pair combinations makes this hand a genuine liability. As a player, it is wise to fold quickly and avoid wasting valuable resources on such a weak hand.

The Disheartening 3 and 8

Similar to the 2 and 7 combination, the 3 and 8 starting hand often leaves players feeling disheartened. It offers minimal opportunities for building strong hands, lacking the necessary ingredients for flushes, straights, or even high-ranking pairs. While a skilled player might occasionally find a way to extract value from this hand, it’s generally advisable to fold and wait for better opportunities.

The Tricky Jack and Four

Although it may seem like a reasonable starting hand due to the presence of a face card, the Jack and Four combination often leads to tricky situations. The absence of a straight draw or flush potential limits the hand’s value, leaving players vulnerable to stronger holdings. While occasionally playable in specific scenarios, this hand typically requires careful navigation and cautious play to avoid potential pitfalls.

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Which Starting Hands to Play and When?

In poker, the decision of which starting hands to play depends on a number of factors and this includes your position at the table, the style of your opponents, as well as the stage of the tournament or cash game. 

Now, there are some general guidelines can help you make better decisions:

Premium Hands

Players need to always play strong starting hands like pocket pairs (e.g., AA, KK, QQ), and high cards (e.g., AK, AQ, AJ, KQ) right when the game starts. 


When the game starts, you need to play tighter from early positions and looser from late positions. What this means is that you can play a wider range of hands in later positions because you have more information about the actions of other players.

Opponents’ Tendencies

You need to always tweak your starting hand selection based on your opponents’ playing styles. For instance, when you are locking horns against tight players, you can play more hands, while against aggressive players, you might want to focus and be prudent with your moves. 

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Stage of the Game

When the game starts, you have to focus on playing premium hands and avoiding marginal spots. As the game progresses and blinds increase, you could well become more aggressive.


  • Royal Flush: Example: (A♦ K♦ Q♦ J♦ 10♦)
  • Straight flush: Example: (10♠ 9♠ 8♠ 7♠ 6♠)
  • Four of a kind: Example: (K♣ K♦ K♥ K♠ Q♥)
  • Full house: Example: (A♠ A♥ A♣ K♣ K♦)
  • Flush: Example: (3♦ 5♦ 8♦ j♦ K♦)
  • Straight: Example: (5♦ 6♣ 7♦ 8♠ 9♣)
  • Three of a kind: Example: (8♣ 8♦ 8♠ 7♣ k♦)
  • Two pairs: Example: (8♣ 8♦ 8♠ 7♣ k♦)
  • Pair: Example: (J♦ J♠ 4♠ 8♦ 10♣)
  • High card: Example: (A♣ 8♥ 7♦ J♦ K♠)

How to Determine the Best Poker Hand?

Determining the best poker hand involves understanding the hierarchy of hands and comparing your hand to your opponents’. 

Here’s a Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Know the Poker Hands: Get acquainted with the different poker hands, from the highest (Royal Flush) to the lowest (High Card).
  • Assess Your Hand: Now, observe all the cards that you have been dealt and determine which hand they can potentially form. This is when you can look at the best five-card combination you can possibly make using your hole cards and the community cards. 
  • Consider Community Cards: As far as Texas Hold’em is concerned, there are community cards, remember that your hand is a combination of your hole cards and the community cards.
  • Compare Hands: Make sure you compare your hand to your opponents’ hands. The player with the highest-ranking hand wins. 
  • Practice: The more you play poker, the better you’ll become at quickly determining the best hand. Practice online or with friends to improve your skills.

Poker Hands Probability

In Poker card game, understanding the probability of different hands is essential for success. The chances of getting a specific hand depend on the number of cards in the deck and the number of players at the table. Knowing the different chances can help players make better decisions and improve their overall game.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Poker Hands

What are poker hands in order?

Poker hands are ranked in order from high to low based on their rarity and strength.

What is poker hand in cards?

A poker hand is a combination of cards held by a player during a game of poker.

What is the highest valued hand in poker?

The highest valued hand in poker is the royal flush, consisting of a 10, jack, queen, king, and ace of the same suit.

Which poker hand wins?

The winning poker hand is the one with the highest ranking according to the established hand rankings.

What is the best hand in poker?

The best hand in poker is the royal flush, followed by the straight flush, four of a kind, full house, flush, straight, three of a kind, two pair, one pair, and high card.

In poker which of the following is the better hand?

In poker, the hand with the higher rank wins, based on the established hand rankings.

How to calculate poker hand probabilities?

Poker hand probabilities can be calculated using mathematical formulas and tables.

What is hand-strength in poker?

Hand strength in poker refers to the relative value and potential of a player’s hand compared to other possible hands.

What is a dead man’s hand in poker?

The dead man’s hand in poker is a legendary hand consisting of two black aces and two black eights, supposedly held by Wild Bill Hickok when he was shot and killed during a poker game.

What is a poker sequence?

A poker sequence refers to the order of cards in a hand. For instance, a straight in poker is five consecutive cards in sequential rank order.

What is the order of hands in poker?

The order of hands in poker, from highest to lowest, is: royal flush, straight flush, four of a kind, full house, flush, straight, three of a kind, two pair, one pair, and high card.

What is the ranking of individual cards in poker?

In standard poker order, from highest to lowest, the individual card rankings are: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2.




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