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Connect Four Game Tips and Tricks
Connect 4 is another well-known game of strategy. Connect 4 is a game that needs planning since its black and red game pieces are evocative of checkers. Apart from moving swiftly, Connect 4 also involves quick thinking from its players. The game is quite similar to Tic-Tac-Toe, and it is played between two players. However, there is one variation - unlike Tic-Tac-Toe, Connect 4 requires a particular rack.
Find Out the Connect 6 Tricks to Develop a Winning Habit
1. Anticipate Your Opponent's Moves
As is the case with several other board games, the most important trick here is to anticipate your opponent's moves. At no time, would you want to force your opponent into a position from where they can possibly win the game.
2. Take the Middle Ground
Any connect-four that is not vertical on the regular seven-column board must employ one checker from the centre column. This means that it will be exceedingly challenging for your opponent to get a connect-four if you control the majority of the centre column.
3. Look Ahead
You will probably lose if your opponent is able to make three consecutive moves with an open, playable space on either side. Hence, it becomes important to be observant as soon as your opponent gets two checkers in a row to avoid this in advance. It will be easier for you to defend against it if you try to foresee how your adversary might succeed.
4. Keep track of Game-Ending Spaces
Depending on who plays, there is a specific location on the board that will grant either you or your opponent a connect-four. Once this happens, the game ends as soon as that empty space is filled. It is acceptable to ignore any potential connect-fours that depend on the spaces you are ignoring, as well as all spaces above the game-ending space in the same column.
5. Fork Your Threats Whenever Possible
Perhaps the best scenario is to have two adjacent spots with two potential connect-fours that require a final checker. This usually results in a win because you can threaten in the opening square. You win if your opponent is unable to block.
6. Practice More, Win More
Before you actually set out to play Connect 4, make sure you have enough practice under your belt. Try putting up the game rack and practising, even if you have to play against yourself. You'll be better able to anticipate certain actions and learn by doing.
Frequently Asked Questions about Connect Four Tricks
Connect 4 needs a lot of strategy. One needs to understand all the rules, the tricks and tips and be vigilant at all times before making any move.
Connect Four is recommended for ages 6 and above.
Connect Four was officially licensed by Milton Bradley, from Springfield, Massachusetts