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Ludo Game Rules
Before anyone wants to ace the Ludo game, it is imperative to understand and get accustomed to the rules of Ludo. There are few basic rules that include players taking turns in clockwise order and pieces opening only on rolling a six and then, there are also few intricate ones that allow players to to really ace this board game.
5 Essential Ludo Rules
The following are the 5 essential rules of ludo that you must know before playing the game:
1. Sports Participant
Ludo is a game of two to four players. Whether played online on the WinZO app or offline, the game requires a minimum of two players and a maximum of four to take part. Each player is then assigned a specific color as they move towards the starting point.
2. Passage of Pieces
Every player controls four pieces of the colour that has been assigned to them and the aim here is to reach the home of that specific colour. The number rolled on the die dictates the pieces' movement. For instance, a roll of 4 allows a piece to move forward by 4 steps.
3. Opening a Piece
At the game's onset, all pieces are placed in the starting point of the player's dedicated color. Pieces generally start their journey when a six has been rolled on the dice during a player's turn. Opening all pieces swiftly is crucial to having a backup in case some pieces get eliminated.
4. Removing or Cutting Pieces of Others
One should always be on the lookout to eliminate the opponents' pieces since this is a key aspect of Ludo. For instance, if an opponent's piece is three steps ahead, and the dice roll matches that number, the opponent's piece can be eliminated. However, players must be cautious, as cutting tokens on safe points (8 designated safe points on the Ludo board) is not allowed.
5. Reaching Home
A player's piece can get back to the safety of their home area once it has completed the entire round. If a piece ends in the middle (if eiliminated by the opponent), it returns to the yard, and should completed the entire journey again. The game concludes when all pieces of a player's color enter their home, with the first to achieve this declared the winner following Ludo rules.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ludo can be played with a minimum of two players and a maximum of four.
Pieces in Ludo move according to the number that is rolled on the die during respective player's turn.
Pieces in Ludo can start their journey only if a six is rolled on the dice during a player's turn.
If the dice roll matches the number of steps an opponent's piece is ahead, the piece can be eliminated.
If a piece is not able to complete the round and ends in the middle, it goes back to the yard, and should start the entire journey again.