Sheep Battle
Sheep Battle is a real time multiplayer game in which two players can compete against each other. A player has to inflict damage to the opponent by pushing the opponent's sheep using his sheep of varying size and power. The players start the game off with one hundred grass points, which must be depleted to zero, by ensuring that the sheep of the first player crosses over to the other side, to eat up their grass points, until it is depleted to zero. The player's sheep will regenerate within the same time period. Each player is allowed to maneuver with 5 distinct types of sheep, with differing weight and grass appetite. The smaller the sheep, the higher their appetite to eat grass & afflict more damage. However, a larger sheep would be able to move across the rows easily, as it can push over the smaller sheep to reach the opposing player’s farm. The players must align these sheep within 5 separate rows and must ensure that the opposing player’s sheep do not cross over to their ‘farm’. As the sheep is generated, the player must place their sheep in a manner that the opponent does not overpower the first player’s sheep and reach the player’s farm. The manner of placement, and the overpowering abilities of the sheep to move to the other side, shall be dependent upon the weight, and grass appetite of the sheep. The weight and grass appetite of the sheep are provided to the players during the game, to allow the players to exercise their skill and judgment to cross the sheep over to the opposing player’s farm. Scoring: Each player starts with 100 points, as the opponents sheep cross player's farm, his points keep depleting. Time duration of the game: The game lasts until any one of the player's points deplete to zero or 5 min whichever is earlier. The following information is provided to the players on the screen: 1. Score: The player's can see the score of both the players in real time 2. The players can also see type of sheep which will get regenerated next The player whose score depletes to zero first loses the game Fair play:- Players must play the game fairly, impartially, and as per its rules, without employing unfair means, cheating, or collusion. Disclaimer:- The game's rules must be read in conjunction with WinZO's terms and conditions. Players are deemed to have read and accepted WinZO's terms and conditions if they play the game.