
  • Objective: The objective of this skill-based game is to capture the opponent's pieces by diagonally crossing them, and avoiding your own pieces getting captured. This has to be achieved in a time efficient manner. Gameplay: This is a PvP game, where 2 players compete against each other in real time. A move consists of moving a piece diagonally to an adjacent unoccupied square. If the adjacent square contains an opponent's piece, and the square immediately beyond it is vacant, the piece may be captured (and removed from the game) by jumping over it. Hence, the players must analyze the position of different pieces to try and capture maximum number of opponent pieces. When a player reaches the last row on the opponent's end, it becomes a king, and is marked by placing an additional piece on top of the first man (crowned), and acquires additional powers including the ability to move backwards and (in variants where they cannot already do so) capture backwards. The player should employ problem solving to move their pieces to the last row. Memory recall and foresight should also be used by the players to execute strategic long term moves and also assess the moves of the opponent. Players may improve their performance and develop come up with better strategies with continued practise. Scoring: - For capturing each of the opponent's piece, the player gets 1 point. - There is no negative scoring. Time duration of the game: Maximum time duration for each player is 180 seconds. The following information is provided to the players on the screen: 1. Time: The total time at the start of the game and the time decreasing is shown to the player. A player can see their own timer and their opponent's timer. 2. Score: The player can see the number of opponent's pieces they have captured as well as the number of their own pieces that have been captured. The player is able to track these statistics throughout the game. The player that captures the higher number of pieces within the time allotted to them, they win. If a player's timer runs out , they will lose the match. The aggregate contributions by all players will constitute the Prize Money Pool. The amount in the Prize Money Pool is credited to the wallet of the winning player(s) after deducting the Platform Fee (when applicable) charged by WinZO for providing players access to the game Fair play:- Players must play the game fairly, impartially, and as per its rules, without employing unfair means, cheating, or collusion. Our games use cryptographically secure Random Number Generation algorithms to provide fair and equitable games for all our users. Our games are independently certified by third party for our RNG algorithms and No usage of Bots in the system. You may access WinZO's Certifications from here: certification All games that are available on WinZO go through various statistical tests for determining element of Skill in games. Only games that pass through such tests are allowed on WinZO. To know more about this tests, please click here: Methodology for Determination Onboarding Games of Skill on WinZO WinZO may employ a normalisation metric to pool players across games for hosting a contest. Disclaimer:- The game's rules must be read in conjunction with WinZO's terms & conditions. Players are deemed to have read and accepted WinZO's terms and conditions if they play the game.